Monday 21 November 2011

More jumping clay! :)

I've been watching quite a number of tutorials and been creeping around on Google for new ideas. After some extremely bad fails, here are my new jumping clay pieces (:

I love the cookies. I really do. I would eat them if they weren't made of clay.

Card making

So a couple months ago it was Teachers Day, and I was making cards for all my teachers. I hadn't really made my own cards before, I'd just get readymade ones. But I was feeling particularly creative and I wanted this to be special so I went out to Popular and bought $20 worth of paper. The really hard, thick kinds, not the flimsy kind. I had fun making them even though I suffered a couple of paper cuts(ouch). I'm not exactly a card-making expert, but I enjoyed making these. I'll post pictures of a few.

So after that, my friend liked my cards and asked me to make one for her cousin's birthday. I used a really pretty kind of paper for this, it was really shiny. I felt like a princess holding it :) Some time back, there was some coupon thing attached to the newspaper and had this flower pattern on it, so I cut it out and kept it. And I used it for this.  And with a little bit of cutting and pasting, it turned out quite well. I'll post some pictures.