Sunday 26 June 2011


I did this during the June holidays in India. I was at a crafts shop in Chennai and saw this sewing kit with the instructions, guide, different colored threads, etc and I had to have it. It was totally new to me- I've never as much picked up a needle in my life- but once I got into it, it was addictive. Plus, the birds were pretty. I was so proud of the end piece I had it framed(: I'm working on a couple more - I'll upload pictures once I'm done.

Another ink piece

This time it has white pen too. The white was used to add the highlights so the piece looks really finished in the end(: At first I was like, why is Mrs.Ho asking me to find random objects? Then after finishing, I was like, Mrs.Ho's a genius. So thank you Mrs. Ho for introducing me to this, it was awesome. The process was long - I had to find 20 random objects - whatever objects I liked- and layout them. I know the usage of layout is wrong but forget that, I had to layout them like a million times before Mrs.Ho approved one I was practically tearing out my hair with the number of layouts I had to do before she approved one. After that I had to use the ''grid square'' method to transfer them to the green paper, then ink everything out, then highlight the light places with white pen. It was really fun.

My first abstract piece

My first abstract piece was for SAP - ink on drawing block. It was mega mega mega fun if not exhausting. Using a 4 cm by 4cm viewfinder on one of the still life drawings, I transferred the view onto another piece of paper with 16 4cm by 4cm squares, so it looks really patternish in the end. Sorry for the awful description I have no idea how to describe the process o.o
Then I inked over the pencil markings in black ink. The challenge was that you could only shade by cross hatching - and I very rarely cross hatch, so I shaded using all kinds of random lines. It turned out good in the end I suppose, cause Mr.Wong gave me a 20/20 yay! XD

Armenian competition

I used photoshop for this - the first time I ever used photoshop for a competition. It was hard, having no prior photoshop experience, but it was fun smudging parts of the poster up. I guess that's the part I liked most - smudging. Smudging is really fun. Plus, the font for the title was really cute(: Overall, it was an okay competition, not too bad, and I learnt more about the Armenian church - not that I even knew there was an Armenian church in the first place- no offense Armenian community (:

Portrait difficulties

I did the portraits below two years ago on instruction by a book my mom got me. It was an awesome book but my potraits - not so awesome. I was fed up with both portraits below, and haven't finished them but hopefully when I'm not as annoyed with myself for not being able to draw faces I'll finish them.The second piece was originally a man but it was horrible so I made it into a girl. So forgive me if I totally ruined how a woman is not supposed to look three quarters like a man. (:

Still life

Drawing still life is exhausting. There are so many steps to it, and at the end of finishing a piece, my hands usually feel like they want to drop off. So its not exactly my most preferred or favourite activity in the world. But of course, the satisfaction after finishing the piece is tremendous. Its grueling work, but I guess its for the best.

Jumping clay

Actually my mom got jumping clay for my brother so he could develop his aesthetic skills rather than play with cars. Well, guess what happened next. He ignored the clay completely, kept it in a corner of his room and kept on playing with his precious cars. So I went and got the clay and made really cute stuff out of them. There are some really useful tutorials on YouTube, so I had no trouble learning how to make lollipops(you just roll out strips of different colored clay, put them together, twist and roll out again), cupcakes(based on lollipops actually, you'll see how), cakes, gingerbread men, doughnuts, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I've given away a lot of the stuff in the picture as birthday presents. Actually the picture doesn't include all the stuff I've made; I gave away stuff to friends before taking it. My favourite is actually the yellow bird(I've given away that too) but overall making stuff out of jumping clay is just a hobby. I hope to move on to polymer clay, but that's really expensive so I'll still be doing this for a while. (:

Random pieces

The above are just random pieces I did when I was bored. The first piece is batik dye on paper - I just folded the paper randomly and dipped them in the dye and it turned out awesome. I got the anime eyes from the net; I adore anime eyes. I did the fruits when I was feeling particularly nostalgic after seeing oil paintings of fruits in bowls and stuff like that. The fishes, I just did them after feeling inspired after seeing my goldfish. They're just pieces I did for fun, nothing too serious.

Splatter painting

I had the most fun splatter painting than any other types of painting. The reason is simple: All you have to do is flick paint around, no brushes needed, no need for precision, and wowza, you get something beautiful (provided the colours you use don't look horrible together). It was fun fun fun to experiment with ways to splatter paint. I did about 6 pieces, but only about 3 could be used because the colors in the others were horrible together(like I said, in order for the piece to actually be able to be used, the colors shouldn't look horrible together like the other 3 of mine did). So I set aside one piece for using as an entire piece, and set about cutting the other two up into 10 cm by 10 cm squares using a viewfinder. One of the cutting-up pieces didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it(it was nice but a bit on the boring side) so I splatter painted at my own house. And then turned in that, the other cutting-up piece, and the entire piece for Mr.Wong to grade (you're supposed to turn in 2 cutting up pieces and one entire piece). It was really really fun for me but not so fun for some other people I accidentally flicked paint on (sorry Phou, Min Rou, Cynthia and Amalia!) (:

The entire piece:

The cut up pieces:

(This is the one I did at home: )

(This is the one which I found boring)

An interesting quote

So I googled art quotes(quotes are extreme cool) and found this really interesting one:

If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.  -  Vincent Van Gogh
 Now there's a quote.
If you suck at something, all the more you should work at it, right? I guess that's what he's trying to say, though he's put in quite hard-to-understand terms. Its interesting, all right.
 But that's not exactly my favourite quote. My favourite quote is by someone who I've never heard of and who's last name sounds like a company's name:

Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling. - Gilbert K. Chesterton
Now, if someone invented a pencil like that I reckon my bedroom ceiling would be covered in cartoons.Maybe I'll invent one when I'm older.

I will help your hand

Not exactly the best piece I've ever done. I'm not going to lie; it was last minute work. You see, I learnt that there was such a competition exactly 4 days before the deadline. What happened next is kind of obvious - Paint paint paint. I'm not proud to upload this - I'll admit it - but here it is - The helping hand competition piece.

Biodiversity competition

Well, this one was hard work. Mostly because I had no idea how to draw trees. And animals. So thank you internet for saving me; I would've had to go find actual elephants and frogs and sloths and monkeys and parrots to draw without Google images. Anyway, I thought I did passably thanks to Ms. Tong who stayed back with me and helped me touch up(The vines in the background were her idea). So I dedicate this piece to the Google images and Ms. Tong. Thank you!!! :D

Trexi awesomeness

One of my favorite competitions would definitely be the trexi one. It was just plain fun to design empty templates into whatever I wanted; I did two templates. One is basically a trexi obsessed with food (not totally unlike me) and the other is a girl in a catsuit.So, here they are(: