Sunday 26 June 2011

Splatter painting

I had the most fun splatter painting than any other types of painting. The reason is simple: All you have to do is flick paint around, no brushes needed, no need for precision, and wowza, you get something beautiful (provided the colours you use don't look horrible together). It was fun fun fun to experiment with ways to splatter paint. I did about 6 pieces, but only about 3 could be used because the colors in the others were horrible together(like I said, in order for the piece to actually be able to be used, the colors shouldn't look horrible together like the other 3 of mine did). So I set aside one piece for using as an entire piece, and set about cutting the other two up into 10 cm by 10 cm squares using a viewfinder. One of the cutting-up pieces didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it(it was nice but a bit on the boring side) so I splatter painted at my own house. And then turned in that, the other cutting-up piece, and the entire piece for Mr.Wong to grade (you're supposed to turn in 2 cutting up pieces and one entire piece). It was really really fun for me but not so fun for some other people I accidentally flicked paint on (sorry Phou, Min Rou, Cynthia and Amalia!) (:

The entire piece:

The cut up pieces:

(This is the one I did at home: )

(This is the one which I found boring)

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